Make your localhost webapp Internet accessible

2 min read  •  13 Aug 2022

If you have came across situations where you need to share your local running web application with your friends, colleague, team; but you aren't sure how to do that. This is for you!

For this you need a ssh key, if you don't have it, you can generate it with following steps-

  • Open terminal
  • Enter ssh-keygen
  • Continue and create a new password

After generating the ssh key, we can use to tunnel our local web application. Here's how:

Suppose my web application is running locally on port 3000, we can run the following command to tunnel it and make it internet accessible-

ssh -R 80:localhost:3000

After running the above command it will ask for ssh password (which we created initially), you can enter it and continue. tunneling

At the bottom you will get a link which you can share with anyone and anyone with that link and Internet will be able to access your local running application.

Note: Once you exit the terminal, the link will not work anymore.